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President’s Message – April 24, 2020

Good morning EDANL Members,

I hope you are doing well during this difficult time. As we strive to find a new sense of normal, I think it is important take time to focus on some good. So here’s my version of a good news message:

Hooray for Volunteers!

April 19-25 marks this year’s Volunteer Week, which has the theme: “It’s time to applaud this country’s volunteers”. Fitting, given all the wonderful generosity we are seeing in our communities these days.

It is important for me to recognize our EDANL Board Volunteers, all of whom also sit on many other boards to make our communities and province stronger. Your board works hard to ensure EDANL is attentive to the needs of its members, and is continuously striving to raise the profile of our profession. Kieran, Roseanne, Margo, Denise, Rhonda, Kristy and Jeff, today and every day, I applaud YOU!

I would also like to take a moment to also thank Ms. Ashley Verge, who has been taking a lead on our social media. Ashley has been a tremendous resource for the Association, and I am thankful for her time and commitment.

To many of you that share your time and expertise in your communities, thank you for all that you do.

Professional development opportunities!

While Year 2 of the UW Economic Development training in St. John’s has been unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19, interested practitioners can still complete the training online in June! For any practitioners interested in this training but haven’t taken the Year 1 training yet, you are still welcome to take Year 2. Find more info HERE.

Completion of Year 2 and corresponding paper will earn a Certificate in Economic Development from the University of Waterloo that is recognized by the Economic Developers Association of Canada. Find more information on the Certificate program HERE.

EDANL is reviewing the needs of practitioners in our province and have received support from our partners to evaluate those needs. In the near future, members will have an opportunity to complete a practitioner training survey to help shape the mindset of relevant competencies and training options for economic development practitioners in Newfoundland and Labrador. I encourage you to take a few moments and complete the survey once it is available. Your input will be invaluable. We look forward to sharing more information about this initiative and the pending survey when we are ready to launch it. Stay tuned!

Let’s celebrate!

As previously mentioned, we have postponed our Economic Development Conference and AGM for the foreseeable future. But that isn’t stopping us from continuing to recognize and celebrate the wonderful projects and economic development efforts that are going on in our province by extending our awards nomination period.

Be sure to nominate a great project, marketing effort or professional in the network! https://edanl.ca/awards/.

We look forward to celebrating all nominees and winners in the future when it’s safe to do so.

What you do is important!

Now more than ever, what you do in your communities is critically important. Supporting your local businesses; providing resources and pointing them in the right direction of supports; advocating on behalf of businesses and industries; identifying new opportunities and gaps; keeping the needs of your community front and center; and working with stakeholders to stay informed and work towards great things ahead. You all do it so well and usually quietly behind the scenes.

May 4-9 is National Economic Development Week. So, it’s a time to celebrate you. To celebrate what you do. Economic Development and the work we do will be critical for our communities and province as we navigate the path ahead. Join us in raising the level of understanding of what we do on social media during Economic Development week.

Social Media: #EconDevWeekNL #EDW2020 @EDANL709

Know that during Economic Development Week especially, I will be thinking of each and every one of you, and the important role you play.

Stay well my friends.

Jennifer Penney, Ec.D (F)
President, EDANL

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PO Box 28082 (Avalon Mall)
48 Kenmount Road
St. John’s, NL
A1B 4J8

Copyright © EDANL 2024
Economic Developers Association of Newfoundland and Labrador