Mission and Objectives
The mission of the Economic Developers Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (EDANL) is to: build the professional capacity of economic development officers; advance economic development as a distinct and recognized profession; and to contribute to the economic well-being of the province.
Its mandate is to enhance the profession by providing an active network for communication, information sharing, support, and professional development.
The objective of EDANL is to be a proactive organization through its activities and partnerships, providing a valuable service to economic development practitioners throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. EDANL is dedicated to providing services that support the activities, profile and development of its members and their economic development goals.
Board of Directors
EDANL’s Board of Directors are elected for two year terms. The current Board of Directors, elected in 2023, includes:

Kieran Hanley

Vice President
Margo Soucy

Jeremy Schwartz

Director At-Large
Jennifer Crane

Director At-Large
Régis Guyot

Director At-Large
Lindsey Hynes

Director At-Large
Cyndy Stead

Director At-Large
Mark Whiffen
Strategic Plan
Click here to download and view a summary of the 2017-19 strategic plan.
Click here to download and view EDANL’s bylaws.
Code of Ethics
The Economic Developers Association of Newfoundland and Labrador members are committed to providing accurate, diligent and ethical support to the business community.
In striving to adhere to high professional ethical standards consistently across Canada, EDANL members are to follow the Economic Developer’s Association of Canada’s Code of Ethics:
- A member will carry out all activities in a manner which will maintain the good reputation of the profession and its ability to serve the public interest.
- A member will ensure that the level of professional services they provide is competent and in keeping with the high level of standards set out by the Association by continuing study of the Profession’s developments and innovations.The member will endeavour to perfect themselves in their chosen occupation to the best of their ability as an opportunity to serve our collective society.
- A member will maintain the spirit of fairness in competition and help eradicate all forms of deception that violate that spirit.
- A member will hold themselves free of any interest, influence or relationship in respect to any professional activity when dealing with clients which could impair professional judgement or objectivity or which in The reasonable view of the observer, has that effect.
- A member has the duty to keep in confidence the affairs of any client, colleague or organization and shall not disclose confidential information obtained in the course of professional activities. Nor shall a member in any way exploit information obtained in the course of duties to their own advantage.
- A member shall conduct their activities on a high ethical plane so that others emulating by example will help to raise the standards of conduct in industrial, business and economic and community development.
- A member will endeavour to continuously raise the standards of the profession by conducting and sharing research developments and methodology.
- A member shall treat all other members with respect and consideration due between professional colleagues.
- A member has the responsibility to exemplify good citizenship in appreciation of the fact that the strength of the nation depends upon the calibre of its individual citizens. Members will abide by the principles laid out in the “Code of Ethics” for the association, and will comply to all By-Laws, regulations, resolutions, and rules of professional conduct of the Association.
For more information on the Economic Developers Association of Canada, visit https://edac.ca/.
Contact Information
Email: info@edanl.ca
Mailing Address:
PO Box 28082 (Avalon Mall)
48 Kenmount Road
St. John’s, NL
A1B 4J8